You have those nagging questions about your lady parts but you’re too shy or embarrassed to ask your doctor. Here are some answers.
Will natural childbirth damage my vagina?
The vagina’s elasticity allows it to spring back to its original state after childbirth. But there will naturally be a difference in the tightness of the vaginal opening, especially if the female has given birth several times already. Keep in mind that the head of the baby averages about 9 cm.
It would also depend on where you delivered—at home with a midwife, or in a hospital with an oby-gynecologist. At the hospital, sometimes the obstetrician finds it necessary to do episiotomy (an incision is made in the perineum), for easier delivery. To restore the regular anatomy of the vagina, the OB does the perineal laceration repair (or episiorrhaphy). Some midwives don’t do the episiorrhaphy after delivery. As a result, the perineum is misaligned when it heals.
Can I fix it after childbirth?
Some women who want to restore the pre-pregnancy state of their vagina may opt for perineorraphy (tightening of the vaginal opening), also called ‘flower arrangement’ or vaginal rejuvenation. Laser procedures are the most common and can be used to tighten skin, remove excess tissue, and tighten the muscles in the vaginal area so that it appears firmer, more youthful, and has increased muscle tone and control.
Is that a funny smell–or is it normal?
It’s supposed to be odorless. If ever it has any scent, it’s that of urine. ‘If there is a fishy odor when she removes her underwear, it means there’s an infection. Other accompanying symptoms are itchiness and abnormal vaginal discharge (yellowish and copious than usual). Patients with this condition are given antibiotics—either an oral medication or a suppository.
Is it okay to use a feminine wash?
Most doctors recommend the use of feminine wash during menstrual period. These feminine washes have chemicals that can kill the bacteria in the vagina. If you devoid the vagina of its natural environment, one type of bacteria thrives, causing an infection. The proper way of washing the vagina is from front to back. The proximity of the anus to the vagina makes women prone to urinary tract infection. She also stresses the importance of good hygiene every time one has her bowel movement.
Is it safe to wax?
The pubic hair is meant to protect the vagina. To deal with a hairy situation, regularly trim instead of waxing.’Brazilian wax may look aesthetically nice, but some women develop folliculitis—pimple-like eruptions appear on the skin where hair is removed.
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