Many people have Type 2 diabetes and don’t even know it. In fact, experts estimate that as many as one out of three people who have this condition are undiagnosed.
That’s because most of the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes seem harmless, and are easily mistaken for other symptoms. Look through this list and find out if you have this condition. Through early diagnosis, you can take charge of Type 2 diabetes before it causes serious complications (including heart disease and kidney problems).
Observe your eating patterns
You’re often hungry, even if your physical activity hasn’t increased. You are also very thirsty, and your throat can feel parched.
Watch your energy levels
Do you feel tired, even exhausted, even if you haven’t done much that day? A simple errand makes you feel like you’ve just run a marathon. You are tired even after you rest or take a power nap.
Look at weight patterns
Have you lost a lot of weight even without trying? Or, has your weight been swinging a lot—losing it at a blink of an eye, then gaining it back.
Check your eyesight
Has your vision become blurry? You may also experience trouble focusing, or have been getting headaches (usually a sign of eye strain).
Monitor wounds
Does it take longer for your wounds to heal? Even small scratches and bites seem to take forever to go away.
Watch for tingling sensations
You may experience tingling in your extremities, or your hands and feet.
What to do
If you experience these symptoms, go to a doctor. He may ask you to get a blood sugar test, or a glucose tolerance test (which can pick up Type 2 Diabetes at an earlier stage). You may not have Type 2 Diabetes yet, but have pre-diabetes—or high blood sugar levels that need to be managed before it escalates into diabetes.