Yeah, yeah, you got the beauty memo: the best way to fight wrinkles is to wear sunscreen and moisturizer. While shopping for sunscreen is pretty straightforward (get at least SPF 30) moisturizer is trickier. There are so many products available, how do you know which one is best for your skin type? A very heavy formula will cause breakouts if you’re prone to acne. A very light formula isn’t enough for extra dry skin. Here are tips to finding the best moisturizer for you.
best moisturizer for dry skin
If you have dry skin, you need a power moisturizer that packs in a lot of moisture and even coats your skin with a protective layer. This will seal in the moisture so that water won’t evaporate. It’s ideal for people who live in very warm climates.
best moisturizer for oily skin
Oily skin is more prone to breakouts, because the oil traps dirt. This clogs the pores and leads to all sorts of problems, like acne and blackheads. Luckily, there are products that are designed to avoid this problem (look for the label ‘non-comodogenic’). You may also need something that’s easily absorbed, so it doesn’t sit on the skin—where it can contribute to oiliness—but gets deep into the inner layers. You may want a water-based formula. Ingredients like glycolic acid and alpha-hydroxy acid or aha’s can also exfoliate the skin, which can help with blackheads.
best moisturizer for sensitive skin
Get a moisturizer that has less ingredients, any of which can cause breakouts and rashes. Avoid dyes, fragrances and chemicals. Some brands (such as Neutrogena and Clinique) are also geared towards women with sensitive skin. You may also want to get organic or natural moisturizers, which don’t contain chemicals (note that these spoil faster and shouldn’t be stored in direct sunlight) or go to a dermatologist, who can prescribe a formula suited to your skin type.
best moisturizer for aging skin
As we grow older, our skin produces less oil. Look for a moisturizer that seals in moisture, and even absorbs moisture from the air. Anti-aging ingredients can also boost the skin’s ability to regenerate healthy cells (healing skin from within). Skin plumpers can also help hide lines and wrinkles. Because of the special needs of mature skin, invest in a high-quality moisturizer with anti-aging ingredients. The moisturizer you used in your 20’s may no longer work for you in your 30’s.