Wallpapers are beautiful to look at and can really contribute much in making any interior space look beautiful and posh. But despite its beauty at some point you’ll need to remove the wallpaper. It may be because it has suffered from various kinds of damage, or it has begun to yellow. Whatever the reasons for removing it, the real problem is in actually removing wallpaper because it is a very time consuming and laborious task. But follow the instructions below and it will make removing wallpaper a relatively easier affair.
First, determine how long the wallpaper has been on the wall. If it’s been on the wall for decades then you’ve got your work cut out for you because it will be very hard to remove compared to wallpaper that’s only been up for a few years.
You can remove wallpaper using either of two processes. One is with the use of wallpaper removing chemicals and the other is by using steam with the use of a wallpaper steamer. Of course, you can use both simultaneously in order to remove stubborn wallpaper. You should also use a wallpaper scoring tool that is designed to put small holes on the wallpaper, so that the wallpaper removing chemicals will seep through the wallpaper. A scraping tool is also an important tool so that you can remove and lift and loosen up the wallpaper. A putty knife can be used for this as well.
The first thing you should do when removing wallpaper is to use the wallpaper scoring tool and perforate the wallpaper with small holes. When you use the scoring tool, remember to rub it using a circular motion. With a few passes you will begin to see small holes on the wallpaper.
If you are going to use chemicals like wallpaper stripper, you can begin applying the chemicals to the walls when you’ve already scored the wallpaper. Let the chemicals sit on the wallpaper for the amount of time recommended in the chemical’s instructions. Make sure that the room where the wallpaper is being renovated has ample ventilation because these chemicals are quite potent.
If you plan to use a wallpaper steamer, prepare the machine by filling the steamer with water. Plug the steamer to an electrical outlet and allow it to heat up. When the indicator already tells you that the steamer is ready (steam will usually start coming out of the steamer), you can now use it. Point the steamer nozzle directly on to the wallpaper and let the steam work its heat on the wallpaper. The high heat will help melt and loosen the glue. At this point the wallpaper should begin peeling off. More stubborn wallpaper sections will still need to be scraped off with the scraping tool or putty knife. Take care when using the scraping tool so you won’t damage the wall itself.
Photo from precisionpaintingplus.net