Shaping your eyebrows can help your eyes look bigger and your features look more proportional. Even just plucking stray hairs can make you look neater and more ‘polished.’ Trimming the edges can also make you look younger, since eyebrow hairs lose their pigments at the ends when they reach a certain length.
It’s best to have your eyebrows shaped by a professional, and then maintain the shape by removing stray or overgrown hairs. But you can also do this at home, using this simple guide and a few tools you already have.
You need scissors with a fine tip (like a mustache trimmer), tweezers, and a good mirror that you can prop on a table in a room with good lighting. You also need to comb your eyebrows before cutting. You can use an old mascara wand.
Basic grooming
If you are already happy with your basic eyebrow shape, you just need to clean up stray hairs and trim the edges. To do this, comb your eyebrow hair upwards, and then snip off any points that extend past the natural shape. Then, comb your eyebrow hair downwards, and trim off the excess again. There, you’re done!
Shaping eyebrows
You can also shape the eyebrows. If you’re doing it at home, you want to mimic a natural arch—have any drastic changes (like a really thin brow) done at a reputable salon.
To get the arch, take a pencil and position it against your nose, resting against your nose, the center of your mouth, and your tear duct. The tip of the pencil determines where your eyebrow should start. Pluck out any eyebrow hair beyond that point.
Then, position the pencil diagonally. The eraser tip should be in the center of the mouth. Then, it should run against the nostril, and then the outer rim of your iris. The pencil point Is your natural arch, or the highest point of your eyebrow.
To find the end of your eyebrow, position the pencil at the opposite corner of the mouth (so if you’re tweezing the right eyebrow, put the pencil on the left corner). It should touch the nostril, and then the outside corner of the eye.
You can make eyebrows look thicker by brushing them with a dark brown eyeshadow and a small brush. You can also use eyebrow pencil, but choose brown (not black!) to make it look more natural.
If you have unruly eyebrows, groom them in place with clear mascara! Use an old mascara wand to remove excess mascara.
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