It’s normal for kids to get coughs and colds. Usually these are caused by viral infections. Their bodies are trying to clear the respiratory tract. Coughs can be a symptom of a number of conditions, so do call the doctor if a cough persists past 3 days, seems to interfere with breathing, and is accompanied by high fever and a radical change in energy levels and appetite. However, a run of the mill cough and cold doesn’t need to be treated with medicines. Instead, try a safe and natural home remedy.
Honey should never be given to a child below two years old. Children aged two to five can take half a teaspoon; those aged five to twelve can take one teaspoon; those above 12 can take two. (Do this three times a day).
Honey can help soothe the throat. You can also try mixing honey and the juice of a lemon in warm water. Older kids may be able to tolerate a teaspoon each of honey and a apple cider vinegar with a little crushed ginger. This acts like a homemade and completely natural cough syrup.
Steam inhalation
This is particularly effective for dry coughs. You can use humidifiers or dissolve eucalyptus oil or vapor rub in a very hot cup of water and have your child lean over it.
Massage the chest and back to help loosen the phlegm and help induce a restful sleep, which will strengthen the body and immune system. Try using lavender oils or eucalyptus oils.
Give tea
Older children may be able to tolerate ginger tea made from minced ginger or ginger powder. A teaspoon of honey can help make the taste more palatable. You can also serve chamomile tea or holy basil tea.
Provide lots of fluids
Avoid dehydration by giving your child lots of water, milk, juices, and soups. Adding garlic in the meals can also help boost his immune system.