Small entrepreneurs are lucky: social networking sites can let them communicate with huge audiences for absolutely no cost except their own time. But once you open Facebook or Twitter, how do you get people to follow you? Here are some tips.
Content is king
Create compelling, well-written content that will draw people to your website, then update regularly so they will always have a reason to come back.
Engage your community
People will read your posts because what you are posting is something of interest or of use to them. So always base your messages on the profile of your readers and your community. Share tips and trivia, and be generous with your information.
Build your online allies
Connect with other online personalities within your niche. Follow other mompreneurs and mom bloggers.
Make your readers your messengers
Empower your fans to tell others about your page by posting content with a clear call to action, such as ‘Share this link’ or ‘Tell your friends’. Give your satisfied customers a way to share their testimonials about your product or service.
Be focused and strategic
Treat social networking as a separate and actual marketing arm for your business. This basically means that you must allot time and do planning related to managing your social media.