Getting approved for a loan can be difficult if you have a bad credit score. Whatever the reason for your poor credit history may be, you can bet that approaching financial institutions for the the usual loan options will end up in one rejection after another. In cases where you do get approved for a loan, you can expect higher than standard interest rates. Image Credit: … [Read more...] about Loan Options for People with Poor Credit History
bad credit
How do I get a credit card if I have bad credit?
Having bad credit has so many disadvantages, but it does not mean that you cannot get a credit card. You may opt to go to small retail stores, as they will give you more chances to get a credit card from them. You can also go to a bank which you have been using for many years. Since they already have your custom, they will probably give you a credit card. There are also … [Read more...] about How do I get a credit card if I have bad credit?