Reading is not just an isolated skill that has no bearing on other aspects of your life. For example, reading is used as one way of determining a person’s comprehension skills. That’s why children should be encouraged to read. But it is very important to consider the reading level of the child to ensure that the correct reading materials are given to him.
Determining a child’s reading level is very crucial because you want to give him the right materials that will fit his reading and comprehension skills. Giving a child a book that is way below his reading level will only slow down his development in reading and comprehension. On the other hand, giving a child a book that is higher than his current reading level will just frustrate him and may turn him off from reading. Parents should find out what their children’s reading levels are. Here are some tips to find out:
Ask your child’s school
One of the responsibilities of schools is to conduct reading and comprehension tests all throughout the school year to find out the reading and comprehension levels of all students. You have a right as a parent to get this information from the school. Coordinate with the teachers or school authorities to update yourself about your child’s capabilities. Teachers can tell you if you child will need extra work in school or a tutor. Remember that in these assessment tests, your child’s score will be compared to a standard that is associated with what is the expected range for a child his age. The teachers can help determine your child’s appropriate reading level.
Conduct your own assessment
You can also make your own assessment on your child. Go online and download or print reading assessment tests that you find in web sites. There are a lot of tests you can find online and these tests are based on actual academic tests conducted in schools. One good assessment test is the Lexile Framework for Reading test, which can also be found online.
When you have already determined your child’s reading level, you can now assess the books before you give them to your child. Most children’s books already have the recommended reading level printed on the cover, at the side or at the back of the book.
You can also make your own assessment of the book by using a reading level graph. A copy of Fry’s Readability Graph is available online, and you can use this to determine the reading level of a book.
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