You’re exercising—that’s great! Just getting off your butt and going to the gym is already 90% of the battle. But to reap the most results (and avoid wasting your time or energy on exercises that don’t really burn calories) read this article on Do’s and Don’ts for Great Workouts.
Don’t coast on the treadmill
Cardio is really great for bringing up your heart rate and warming you up for the rest of the workout. However, you have to switch up the speed and difficulty. Either get off the treadmill to do weights, or increase difficulty so you get two to three minute bursts of high intensity workouts in between a more moderate pace.
Do build muscle
Strength training will help create muscle which will boost your metabolism plus firm up all your loose, saggy bits. Squats and lunges are a great start, or you can look into Pilates and other workouts that will help build muscle tone.
Don’t starve yourself
You can cut out fat and empty sugars (because it’s pointless to spend two hours burning calories and then gaining it all back with a slice of cake). But you still need to eat, or you won’t have the energy to really do a decent workout. A low calorie, high energy snack like fruit or a whole wheat sandwich will power you up for a great workout.
Do watch your form
Maintaining the right form during exercise will prevent straining your muscles and causing injuries. If you’re learning an exercise, do it in front of a mirror so you can check your posture. Better to do it slowly but correctly, than to rush through it and pull some
Don’t compare yourself
Comparing yourself with other women is not only demoralizing but dangerous. You might force yourself to maintain a speed your body isn’t ready for, or quit exercising altogether ‘because it’s not working.’ Your body and your fitness needs are unique!
Do change your workout periodically
If you’re getting bored with your routine or notice that it’s become too easy, then try another workout which will use another group of muscles plus add the excitement of learning something new.
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