Lip sores, or cold sores, are an unsightly blemish on your face. Most people are also embarrassed about having to suffer from cold sores., because cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex type 1 virusand the word ‘herpes’ has become synonymous with genital herpes, a sexually transmitted disease. But the truth is that herpes simplex type 1 is a very common virus and getting cold sores is something you shouldn’t be ashamed about. Here are the causes and the cures for lip sores.
A person who gets cold sores is usually one whose immune system has weakened enough that the virus is able to take hold and produce the lip sore. Whatever the cause though, a lip sore sufferer only wants to get rid of it. Here are some things you can do to help get rid of lip sores.
Most people prefer to address their lip sore problem by using natural remedies because they just don’t want to take in any kind of artificial chemicals just to make lip sores go away. There are some natural remedies that you can use to remove lip sores. One of the more common, and also the easiest to do, is to take an ice cube and press it on to the lip sore for a few minutes a few times every day. The cold will help ease the discomfort from the sores and also get rid of the sores by freezing it.
Another good remedy is to moisturize the affected area with a natural moisturizer. Aloe vera is a very popular choice for this particular remedy. The moisturizer will help soften the scabs that have appeared on top of the sores. The moisturizer will also make the lips soft enough to prevent cracked lips, which can be quite a painful experience especially if the cracked lips begin to bleed.
Another effective natural remedy is by making a warm compress using a tea bag. The warm tea bag will relieve any discomfort you’re feeling from the lip sore. Just apply the warm teabag to the lip sore for about 30 minutes. You can do this every day.
If you notice that you are extra susceptible to cold sores then you could be suffering from some mineral or vitamin deficiencies. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, which are all rich in various vitamin and minerals that can help in preventing lip sores from appearing. Among these important minerals include iron and zinc, which are considered crucial in taking care of the immune system. You can read our article on tips for choosing vitamin supplements.
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