Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, is a severe mental condition that may render an individual unable to perform his or her normal job duties. Bouts of nervousness and anxious bodily reactions characterize the condition. A person who is suffering from GAD will have problems that are so detrimental to his or her health that working can become impossible.
When GAD prevents a person from performing his or her job duties, a disability attorney may be able to help that person to collect Social Security Disability. The following are five reasons that generalized anxiety disorder can keep people from working:
1. Constant Worry
A person who has generalized anxiety disorder worries about a multitude of situations and occurrences that may or may not happen. Such a person may worry about poor performance, inability to please other people, contracting germs from the masses, or an impending alien invasion. The worry may mentally incapacitate the sufferer.
2. Increased Heart Rate
A person who is in the midst of an anxiety attack will have an increased heart rate. The increased heart rate places the person in danger of having a heart attack or stroke. If the worry symptoms pertain to the person’s work environment, the doctor may recommend that person stay home to spare his or her health.
3. Profuse Sweating
The sweating associated with anxiety disorder can cause a person to dehydrate. If an individual does not receive proper care and hydration, that person can end up in the hospital or, in worst-case scenarios, dead. Some forms of anxiety involve a great deal of sweating. If the person cannot get this symptom under control, he or she may not be able to work.
4. Disturbing Thoughts
Disturbing thoughts invade the mind of a person who suffers from GAD. These thoughts could be mildly upsetting or severely upsetting. Something in the brain triggers the thoughts, and those thoughts can cause actions. A person who reacts to the thoughts by yelling, crying or freezing cannot perform the duties of his or her job.
5. Unrealistic Fears
Finally, unrealistic fears might prevent a GAD sufferer from leaving the home altogether. A simple unrealistic fear of people judging or mocking the person may keep that person home. A fear of getting into an automobile accident may prevent the person from commuting to work. A number of unrealistic ideas and thoughts could incapacitate a GAD sufferer, which is why a Spokane disability attorney or an attorney in your local area can help that person live a better life.
Help for Crippling GAD
The SSDI program offers financial compensation for people with GAD who are unable to work. To qualify, the applicant must have extensive medical documentation. He or she must also be unable to perform work for a period of at least 12 months.
If you have developed a severe case of GAD, and you believe that you could collect SSDI benefits, a Spokane disability attorney can assist you. Schedule a consultation today, and an attorney will review your eligibility and your rights. You have nothing to lose and possibly, much to gain, by contacting a Spokane disability attorney today.