Psychologists and neurologists are discovering that our brains can
arrive at a fact or conclusion before the language centers can even
articulate it. In simple words, this ‘intuition’ or ‘trusting your
gut.’ But how can we understand and tap this inner wisdom? Here are
some tips.
Get in touch with your emotions
We’re used to deciding with our head (or with logic) but don’t keep
your heart out of the picture. Though our feelings may seem irrational
just because we can’t describe them or ‘put a finger’ on the source,
use them as a deal-breaker when you’re weighing two options. For
example, if you are choosing between two job offers, go for the one
that triggers a sense of excitement or curiosity. Or if something
tells you that you shouldn’t trust someone, then be polite but edit
what you say.
Play 20 questions
Sometimes you’re not sure what your intuition is saying. Then play a
round of 20 questions. Let’s say you’ve just met a prospective client
and feel that it’s a bad idea to accept the account, but don’t know
why. ‘Interview’ your inner self. ‘Is it the client’s personality or
the company background?’ ‘What is it about his personality: does he
remind me of someone? Is there something that he said that feels off?’
‘Okay, it’s something he said—why, what am I afraid that it means?’
keep a journal
You can’t just wake up one day and say, ‘Today I will trust my gut,’
and expect yourself to understand its messages that very minute.
Learning to listen to your intuition and articulate what its saying
takes self-awareness. Keep a journal (art journals are great for people who aren’t comfortable writing) have me-time and quiet time when
you can tune in to what you feel. So the next time your intuition is
telling you something important, you’re ready and listening.
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