There are so many educational videos, apps and even video games that are targeted towards babies. Moms are made to feel that these can boost intelligence and grab these opportunities to give their beloved kids a head start (pardon the pun) on numbers, letters, shapes. But experts recommend guidelines for how much media exposure a baby should get.
Filter what your child uses
Check all the apps and programs to make sure they’re age appropriate and are actually educational. For example something that teaches counting or letters gives more value than a cute game. Also, give preference to interactive foramts. For example, a show like Blue’s Clues where a character asks a question and ‘waits’ for your child to answer is better than one where he passively watches.
Watch with your child
Watch along with your child so you can comment about what you both saw. Co-viewing will also allow you to call attention to something that you find inappropriate or falls below your family’s standards. Best of all, you can cuddle as you laugh together or point out interesting moments.
Limit media time to one hour a day
Your baby will learn best by using his five senses, developing his coordination and motor skills, and socializing with others. Ban TV during meal times and limit during playdates, which are golden opportunities for interaction. Plus, too much TV has been linked to attention deficit so a little vigilance is worth it.
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